Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Shout Out to Starbucks

I know a lot of people say Starbucks is overpriced and overrated... Which may be entirely true. 

But let me tell you, the cappuccino sitting in front of me and the obscure music playing in the background and the hipster  sitting behind me with his Ray Ban glasses, plugged in Mac and plaid shirt are all getting me through the day. It's the one place where most people I know can't find me. 

I wish I could explain to non-teachers what it's like. At the risk of compromising my job, I won't go into too much detail.

It sort of feels like a you're willingly in the middle of the ocean on a regular basis trying to save 30 drowning people all at the same time.

 During a hurricane. 

Without a life jacket.

And they all forgot to bring pencils.

Needless to say, the end of the day is exhausting. Real life post-college is exhausting. 

Starbucks, thanks for being there. 

Need a refill.

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