Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ice Cream Birthdays

I made an ice cream cake. The recipe was simple because it involved mostly pre-made ingredients, but it was quite the process. This was what I used:

It works best if you allow each layer to freeze before you add the next ones. You should give the ice cream layers at least an hour or so to solidify before adding the next step. It doesn't say to do this in the recipe, but I definitely recommend it. The bottom layer is shown below (these are the Oreos I made last week!)

For my second layer, I also decided to get a little creative and mix up my own ice cream from a vanilla base. I added some crushed peanuts, syrup, and crushed Reese's Peanut Butter Cups by mixing it all together with the ice cream in a huge bowl, then smoothing it out as a layer on the cake. If you want nicely defined swirls, don't over mix.

The boyfriend loves those guys, so I had to incorporate them into the recipe somehow. I also saved about 5 of them for crushing and adding to the top. 

Also, I used a different recipe for hot fudge than the one that was listed. You can follow that one, or just research any online. They all pretty much follow the same format. See the recipe I used below.
Original recipe makes 1 quartChange Servings

  1. Combine butter, cocoa, sugar and evaporated milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and boil for 7 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Carefully pour hot mixture into a blender and blend for 2 to 4 minutes. Serve immediately. Store in refrigerator.

And finally, the cool whip layer on top finished it off. Licking the spoon after is a requirement. 

Formulating the crushed Reese's words to form "BEST" is optional... That's an inside joke that is neither here nor there.

It tasted so good. Last night we got back from a huge dinner, and I may or may not have sampled some of it after the boyfriend went to bed. I had to make sure it turned out okay, right? I wanted to get a picture of the perfect layered inside, but the fudge decided to ooze out. Fail. But the taste. Oh the taste. Heavenly.

No judging. Holla at me,


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